How to stay motivated!

a couple showing off their wedding rings

You're exhausted and feeling like it's impossible to get back on track. But at some point, you need to stop beating yourself up about it and just keep going. The only way through is to put one foot in front of the other.

Here are some tips that can help motivate you back into action:

Stop comparing yourself to others

You are not your competition. You are not the clients of your competition, and you’re definitely not their employees (unless they’ve hired you). You’re also not their friends, so give them a break. The truth is that there are two types of people in this world: those who compare themselves with other people, and those who don’t. If you want to be successful in any field or industry, it helps to be part of the latter group!

Remember why you became a wedding professional in the first place

Whether you’re a family member, friend or colleague of the bride and groom, it can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of wedding planning. But remember why you became a wedding professional in the first place: because you love weddings! You want to help couples plan their perfect day—and that means staying motivated through all those late nights and stressful moments.

Keep your passion for the industry alive by reconnecting with what drew you into this business in the first place. Remind yourself how much fun everything involved with weddings can be—and then go out there and make it happen!

Get up, dress up, and show up.

  • Get up early.

  • Dress up and make an effort to look good, even if you're going to be working on your feet for hours and hours.

  • Show up on time, or early if possible.

  • Be present: pay attention to the people around you and interact with them in a friendly manner. This can be as simple as saying hello when you arrive at work each day, or asking someone how their weekend was when they come into your office with some paperwork for signatures. You don't have to become best friends with every single person who crosses paths with your business—but showing that you care about their well-being goes a long way toward fostering goodwill among clients who may eventually become repeat customers or referrers!

Give yourself a pat on the back.

The first step in staying motivated is to acknowledge your accomplishments—no matter how small. When you accomplish something, make sure to reward yourself for it. If you've been working on a project for months, treat yourself with a nice dinner or buy yourself some flowers. It's easy to forget that we rely on the encouragement of others and ourselves in order to stay driven and focused on our goals, so take time out of every week that you've met an important milestone (even if it's just eating healthy one day), and let yourself enjoy it.

Letting others know about your progress can also help keep you motivated when times get tough; many people find having others involved in their projects helps them stay focused on what they're doing, even when things get difficult! If there are other people involved in the same project as yours, share photos of your progress with them via text or email so they can give feedback in real-time rather than waiting until after everything has been completed (or not at all!).

Also remember: don't be afraid to brag about what you've accomplished! Everyone loves hearing about other peoples' successes—and being able to share those stories will encourage others around us who may need some inspiration themselves!

Use your free time as an oasis, not an escape.

Don't use your free time as an escape from wedding planning. We often use our down time to relax and recharge, but sometimes it can become a waste of time.

If you really need a break, that's okay—just don't let it become the norm. You'll feel so much better when you go back to work if you've spent some quality time with yourself or those around you.

Keep your personal and professional networks strong.

One of the most important things you can do in 2023 is to keep your personal and professional networks strong. Don't be afraid to reach out to people in your network, don't be afraid to ask for help (even if it's just from a friend), and don't be afraid to ask for introductions. If you have an idea or project that might benefit from someone else's expertise, speak up! You never know if someone else has just what you need until you ask them.

This will also help you find new opportunities within your industry—whether they're related directly with weddings or not. In this way, networking helps build connections that go beyond any usual boundaries or definitions; it creates possibilities for growth as well as opportunities for collaboration across industries.

Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

You're not alone. We at Wedding Pro Tips have seen this time and time again. No matter how much you love your job, or how many times you've done it before, sometimes the job can get a little too much to handle on your own. You don't have to do everything yourself! If you need help, ask for it! You can ask friends or family members for help if they're willing and able. You can also hire professionals such as consultants or assistants that can lighten your load while still allowing you to maintain some control over things like pricing and contracts (if those are part of your business). In addition, there may be other services available in the industry that will allow multiple team members to work together seamlessly from different locations so that no one is ever overwhelmed by their workload (we'll talk more about this later in this article).

We've seen many people struggle with feelings of guilt about asking for help because they feel like they should be able to handle everything themselves—and we agree that it's important not only as entrepreneurs but also as human beings: we should all strive towards self-sufficiency when possible! But sometimes our goals aren't always realistic given our current situation; whether due to lack of experience or sheer volume of work required from us at any given moment. So don't feel bad if asking someone else for help makes sense right now—it could mean better results down the road!

Consider that what you think is a failure may actually be a lesson in disguise.

  • Consider that what you think is a failure may actually be a lesson in disguise.

  • It's easy to become disheartened when we don't get the results we expected, but it's important to remember that failure is not always a bad thing. By looking at your failures as opportunities for growth and learning, you can turn them into something worth celebrating: an even better future!

Remember to take care of yourself along the way.

  • Take time to do the things you enjoy

  • Get enough sleep and exercise

  • Eat healthy food

  • Take breaks when you need them

  • Spend time with family and friends

Self-motivation isn't selfish; it's healthy and necessary to keep going.

Self-motivation is a key ingredient to success. It's not always easy, but it can be learned. Self-motivation isn't selfish; it's healthy and necessary for you to keep going.

As a wedding pro, there are some things that you control, and others that you don’t. You control your attitude and how hard you work, but there are things like the market and other people who influence your business in ways that are out of your control (at least for now). The only way around this is by having a healthy dose of self-motivation!

The good news is: self-motivation isn't as difficult as it seems!

Remember, the best way to stay motivated as a wedding professional is to remember why you became one in the first place. We hope these tips will help you on your journey!

At The Social Attendant, we love all things social media and helping wedding professionals take their businesses to the next level. Lori was a wedding planner for 17 years and has been helping wedding creatives like you since 2020 with their social media management, consulting/coaching, and virtual assistant tasks . Let’s chat about how we can help!


2024 Wedding Business Success


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