How to create evergreen content for your wedding business

a photo with a laptop

I am here to tell you that writing content for your company's website does not have to be stressful. I have heard from many business owners that they dread this part of their job and would rather do anything else than write content. I can understand why—I've been there myself! But the truth is, writing blog posts for my clients has always been fun for me. I like learning about other people's businesses and perspectives on life, and it makes me feel good at the end of each day when I know that my work helped someone else accomplish their goals. Plus, it doesn't even have to be much work if you use some simple tricks!

What is evergreen content?

Evergreen content is content that is relevant and useful for a long time. Evergreen content was first introduced by Matt Cutts, Google's head of search quality.

Evergreen web content differs from seasonal web content because it's not tied to the season. Seasonal web content changes with the seasons; it only has relevance during those specific times of year. For example, a wedding planner may have an article on how to plan a winter wedding ceremony in their portfolio during the winter months, but that same information would not be helpful when planning a summer wedding ceremony in July or August.

Why is evergreen content important?

Evergreen content is a great way to build your brand, especially if you're a wedding professional. The content you create will live on in perpetuity, allowing you to share your expertise with potential clients and give them that extra piece of information they may need at the right time. You can use evergreen content in different ways:

  • You can repurpose it into blog posts or send it out via email newsletters

  • You can add it as bonus material for paid products such as ebooks or webinars

  • You can include it in Facebook ads or banner ads on other websites

How can you use evergreen content in your business?

Evergreen content is a great way to make sure people are continuing to see your brand and services even after you've written a new blog post or other piece of content. It works because it's relevant all year round, so you can use it on your website, social media, email newsletters and other marketing materials.

Here are some examples of evergreen posts that could be helpful for your business:

  • "How To Choose The Right Wedding Photographer" (this post isn't about photography; rather, it's about how customers can choose the right photographer)

  • "5 Tips For Planning Your Wedding" (same thing as above—not just wedding-related; these tips apply to any couple planning their wedding)

Do I need to write the content myself?

No, but it helps if you do! If you don't have the time or experience to write your own content, hiring a Virtual Assistant (VA) is a great way to get the job done in less time with less effort. You can also use blog posts from other websites that are already written and published. Repurpose your old content by pulling out specific pieces of useful information and creating new articles around them. Finally, templates are another option for creating your wedding professional business website quickly and easily.

Why would someone hire a VA for evergreen social media management?

You can focus on other aspects of your business. You're a wedding planner and photographer, but you need to spend some time on social media marketing. You've hired an assistant in the past who did great work for you, but they've left and now you're at a loss as to how to continue their work.

You want someone who will be efficient at what they do—someone who is more reliable than yourself and will update social media accounts consistently without fail (not necessarily any more creative). They should also have experience with the platforms so that they don't have any questions about them or how best to use them for your business.

Your VA can be more consistent than yourself and not miss out on opportunities because of their lack of knowledge or understanding. Your VA can also be more efficient than yourself when it comes to updating posts, writing new content pieces, etc., which gives them time for other tasks as well!

Writing content for your company's website does not have to be stressful.

You need to write something that will attract new customers and keep them coming back. You also need some way of generating leads, or people who are interested in hiring you or buying from you but haven’t taken the plunge just yet.

In today's day and age, there is no reason why a business should not have its own blog with evergreen content on it. This kind of hosted website allows businesses to create search engine optimization (SEO) opportunities for themselves by writing fresh articles about their products or services regularly—and then using SEO techniques like keyword research and strategic link building so that readers will find those posts when they're searching online for related topics.

If you are looking for some help writing content, we recommend hiring a VA to do the job. They can create it for you while you focus on other important tasks.


At The Social Attendant, we love all things social media and helping wedding professionals take their businesses to the next level. Lori was a wedding planner for 17 years and has been helping wedding creatives like you since 2020 with their social media management, consulting/coaching, and virtual assistant tasks . Let’s chat about how we can help!


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