What you need to have on your website right now!

What you need to have on your business website right now.

You've started your business, and you're feeling excited. You have a website! It's barebones for now, but that's okay. You'll get to it eventually (or at least add some content). But what should your site include? How do you make sure that the people who are looking for you can find you? And how do you make sure they're getting what they want—and also how to contact you? Well, my friend: we're here to help! We've put together this list of vital components of any wedding professional's website so that yours will be complete (and not empty!) in no time.

Include your contact information

When a potential client wants to find you, they'll need your contact information. Make sure that it's easy for them to find.

  • Email address - Your email is a great place to start! Include your full business name, so that people can recognize who they're communicating with and what they are contacting you about.

  • Phone number - Include both your office phone number (if you have one) and your cell phone number as well—and make sure it's current! This is especially important if you run an outside-of-office business like I do; clients will want to be able to reach me no matter where I am or when there might be an emergency situation at home (which happens quite often).

  • Social media accounts - Sharing where we learn about our favorite things has become almost second nature for many of us today; including social media icons on our websites allows visitors who feel the same way about us as we do about other brands will make them feel even more connected than ever before! You could also include links directly into these accounts right up top next time someone clicks over—this would help them stay in touch even better than adding just one quick link at the bottom somewhere along their journey through all those pages upon pages of information they may not know exists yet until after reading through everything else first...

Include your about section

Your about section is where you can tell people who you are, what your business is all about and why they should buy from you. It’s a great place to let prospective clients know how long you have been in business, what makes your services so special and why they need to hire someone like yourself.

When writing an About section remember that this is the first impression of your brand that customers will see, so make it count! Think of this page as an opportunity to show off how amazing your company is. You don’t have worry about making it too salesy or pushy – just be yourself and provide valuable information for readers.

Include a way for people to get in touch with you.

The most important thing you can do to increase the chances of getting more business is to make it easy for people to contact you. I would encourage you to include a contact form, a phone number and an email address on every page of your site. You might also want to consider including social media links if you have them available (such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter).

If someone is looking at your website they want something that makes their life easier - so make sure they don't have any trouble contacting you!

CTA (call to action) on every page

A CTA (call to action) is a button, link or image that prompts people to take action. It should be located near the top of each page and it should be clear, concise and give the user a reason to click on it.

For example: “Book Now” or “Contact Us” if you want someone to book your services, “Download Our Guide” if you want them to download something from your website, or “Apply Now” for any job applications.

Include a pricing page

  • Include a pricing page. If you have different packages, it’s important to have an online booking form that allows your clients to see what each package includes and costs. Having this information on the website will help prevent last-minute questions and possible misunderstandings about what services cost.

  • Include your pricing on your homepage. It’s important for visitors to know immediately how much their service will cost before they read any further into the page. Make sure you list all of the prices clearly so that there is no confusion about what is included in each package (and whether or not it includes tax).

Making sure these pages are included on your site will help potential clients find you!

In this article, I’ll be going over a few of the most important pages you should include on your site. These are the pages that potential clients will be looking for, and if they don’t see these on your website it may make them question whether or not you can handle their wedding planning needs.

  • A page with information about what you do as a wedding professional and how you can help your clients plan their big day. It should also include some of your favorite photos from past weddings you’ve planned so that people know what to expect from working with you!

  • A page about packages/prices. This is where potential clients will go when they want more information about hiring you as their wedding planner or coordinator before reaching out via email or phone call – so make sure it has all the relevant details (like how much each type of package costs).

A lot of people think that their wedding website needs to be elaborate and fancy, but that’s not the case. Your site doesn’t have to be anything fancy or complicated since it just needs to get the information out there in a clear way. You don’t need to worry about having too many bells and whistles if you want some extra spice on your site because we already have that covered for you! Just make sure these pages are included on every page of your website so potential clients can find what they need quickly without having any problems along the way!


At The Social Attendant, we love all things social media and helping wedding professionals take their businesses to the next level. Lori was a wedding planner for 17 years and has been helping wedding creatives like you since 2020 with their social media management, consulting/coaching, and virtual assistant tasks . Let’s chat about how we can help!


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