How to make your business stand out above the rest


Standing out in the wedding industry is crucial to landing your ideal clients.

As a wedding business owner, there are several things you can do to rise to the top.

Here are a few ways you can make a splash in this industry:

Create a website that looks professional

Your website is the first thing potential clients will see, so it's important that it looks professional and clean. Here are some tips to help you create a website that stands out:

  • Keep it simple. A clean, easy-to-use design is the quickest way to make your site look professional. Don't try to cram too much information onto one page—it'll just distract from what you're trying to say and make things harder for visitors who want more information about your business or services.

  • Make sure it works on all devices. Your site should also be responsive (i.e., change its layout depending on whether someone is viewing it on their phone or computer), so everyone can access it easily no matter what device they're using at any given time!

  • Get SSL encryption and an HTTPS certificate (if possible). When people visit your site, they'll find peace of mind knowing that they are protected by encryption when they enter their personal information into forms like email signups or contact forms; this will help build trust between them and you!

Be passionate about the service you offer

It's important to be passionate about the service you offer. You need to be confident in what you do and proud of your service. If you're coming across as a wedding planner, photographer, designer, decorator, and stylist then this will come across in the way that you present yourself on social media and also when speaking to potential clients.

Be more responsive to client’s inquiries

  • Quick response is the most important thing you can do for your business.

  • Don’t let clients wait for an answer. If you don’t have the answer, tell them that and ask if they want to book with someone else or wait for your reply.

  • Respond quickly to emails and phone calls, even if it’s just to say “I will get back to you soon!”

  • Be proactive in your communication: If a client asks a question, email them back right away. It shows them that their inquiry is important to you!

Create a business card with your details and social media handles

For wedding professionals, business cards are essential and should include all of your contact information. They're also a great way to have the bride-to-be show off your work to family and friends!

Your card should include:

  • Your name, email address, and phone number

  • A link to your website

  • Social media handles (Instagram/Twitter/Facebook)

NEVER forget that first impression is the most important

  • Make sure you are dressed appropriately.

  • Be confident in yourself and your business.

  • Be polite and friendly to everyone, no matter who they are or what they are doing (and this includes the people who aren't going to hire you). If a potential client comes in with a different agenda than yours, then that's fine; don't be discouraged by their lack of interest! Just remember that even if you don't get the job, you've still made a good impression on someone else whom may be hiring soon enough!


  • Be more responsive to clients’ inquiries

  • Create a business card with your details and social media handles

  • Create a website that looks professional

  • Be passionate about the service you offer

  • Never forget that first impression is the most important

At The Social Attendant, we love all things social media and helping wedding professionals take their businesses to the next level. Lori was a wedding planner for 17 years and has been helping wedding creatives like you since 2020 with their social media management, consulting/coaching, and virtual assistant tasks . Let’s chat about how we can help!


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