How to write a blog post!

how to write a blog post


You’ve decided to start to blog!

It's time to put pen to paper (or fingers on keyboard) and get started on this new project. However, writing a blog for your wedding website can be daunting. Use this guide as an easy-to-follow resource for creating fresh content for your site,

Introduction (The Why)

A blog is a website that contains posts. Each post typically includes a title, a brief description, and the body of the post. Blogs are used as a way to share information, opinions and experiences with other readers.

It’s no secret that blogging can be an enormously effective marketing tool for both you and your wedding business. There are many reasons why you should have one on your website:

  • Blogging provides fresh content to engage with potential clients on your site or social media channels

  • It helps keep Google happy! No matter what industry you’re in – Google loves blogs because they provide useful information about topics in which people are searching for answers (and thus leads).

Define Your Blog Topics (The What)

Define Your Blog Topics (The What)

Now that you’ve identified your goals and audience, it’s time to think about the type of content you want to write.

Before you start writing, take a moment to ask yourself: what should my blog be about? It may seem like an obvious question, but many people don’t give it much thought. As a result, they end up with a blog full of generic posts that have nothing whatsoever to do with their business or target audience. In fact, if you don't define your blog topics before you start writing posts—or at least have an idea in mind—you run the risk of producing content that's boring and doesn't attract any readers at all.

Choose a Title for Your Blog Post (The How)

For the title of your blog post, keep in mind that it should be relevant to the content. You also want to include keywords that describe what you're writing about and make it catchy so that people will click on it.

Using a descriptive title can go a long way in helping readers understand what they will get from reading your article. This is especially important if you are trying to market yourself as an expert on a certain topic (think: "Top 5 Wedding Planning Tips for Brides"). Try using keywords like “wedding planning” or “wedding planning tips” in your title so that when people search for these terms online, they'll find your blog and learn more about how you can help them plan their big day!

If possible, try not to use words such as "how" or "to" in any part of your post title—these words don't add anything useful for users searching for information about this topic.

Organize Your Blog Post (The How)

Organize Your Blog Post (The How)

Create a table of contents: The first thing you'll want to do is create a table of contents for your blog post. A table of contents is like an outline and can help you organize your thoughts before writing anything. It will also serve as an outline for what goes into the body of your blog post.

  • Use bold and italics: To highlight important points, use bold text for major concepts and italics for minor concepts. You may also want to use subheadings to divide up your content into separate sections. For example, if one paragraph talks about how to set up Google Analytics tracking code on a WordPress website, then you might want to put it under the heading "Google Analytics". This way people who just want that information won't have scroll through all their blog posts looking for it when they visit your site; instead they will go directly where it's located in one place at the top!

  • Use bulleted lists: Bulleted lists make it easy for readers who skim through text quickly without reading every word carefully (like me). They will notice what stands out most easily by using this method while skimming through websites looking at photos instead of reading every word carefully like me :)

Hire a professional writer to create blog content or hire a virtual assistant to help with the writing process.

If you are not a professional writer, you may want to hire someone else to create your blog content. You can do this by hiring a professional writer or hiring a virtual assistant that specializes in writing for websites.

When hiring someone to write for your website, make sure you are paying them fairly and giving them all the information they need to create content that fits with the style of your brand.

Create blogs that highlight your services and experience, are appropriately keyword-targeted, and are original, fresh, engaging.

  • Create blogs that highlight your services and experience, are appropriately keyword-targeted, and are original, fresh, engaging.

  • Be sure to use keywords in your blog post.

  • Use a keyword research tool to find the best keywords for your blog posts.

Your blog is an important part of your business and should be treated as such. It’s not just about writing entertaining content, but also about building trust with your audience and helping them understand why they should hire you for their upcoming event. Don’t forget about SEO and Google rankings when creating a new post either!


At The Social Attendant, we love all things social media and helping wedding professionals take their businesses to the next level. Lori was a wedding planner for 17 years and has been helping wedding creatives like you since 2020 with their social media management, consulting/coaching, and virtual assistant tasks . Let’s chat about how we can help!


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