How to find new clients

How to find new clients

As a wedding professional, you’re probably always looking for new clients and ways to grow your business. While there are many different ways to get new clients,

Now is the time to think outside of the box when it comes to landing the ideal client you have been dreaming about for years.

One of our new favorite ways is to do an Instagram/Facebook Live where you can introduce yourself and talk about what you offer and why couples should book you for their wedding. You can also answer questions from your audience.

And don’t forget to save it and post it to your feed so people can watch it again and again.

Host a Webinar

A webinar is a live, interactive presentation that takes place over the internet. You can use it to make your expertise accessible to people who are unable to attend an in-person event or who simply prefer learning from the comfort of their own homes.

There are many reasons why hosting a webinar can be beneficial for your business, including:

  • It allows you to reach out and connect with new clients on a global scale.

  • It gives you an opportunity to share your expertise with others while establishing yourself as an industry leader.

  • It provides an opportunity for engagement with other professionals in your field, which can lead to referrals and networking opportunities later on down the road (especially if they ask questions during the presentation).

Collaborations are Key

If you're looking for new clients, the best way to find them is by collaborating with other people. There are so many ways that you can collaborate with other people:

  • Collaborate with other wedding professionals. You can create a group of wedding professionals that work together to share resources and help each other out. The more weddings you work at, the better off your business will be!

  • Collaborate with wedding vendors. If someone else in your industry is looking for a vendor, offer to refer them to one of your friends or colleagues who might be able to help them out (and vice versa). Remember to ask them for referrals as well!

Share Industry Secrets

Sharing industry secrets is a great way to get your clients talking and sharing their experiences with people they know. A few examples of how you can do this:

  • Create a blog specifically for your wedding business, sharing tips and tricks that are helpful for couples getting married. This will help them feel like they're getting something valuable out of working with you, and it will give them an opportunity to share their experiences on the web!

  • If one of your favorite vendors has an Instagram account or Facebook page, ask them if they have any photos from past weddings that are suitable for sharing online (or even just sending them over). This gives couples more incentive to book with you; plus it gives potential clients some insight into what other people think about working with this vendor in particular!

  • Offer special discounts on future services if someone books through another referral source (like word-of-mouth). You may also consider offering free consultations as part of this deal so that both parties come away happy at no cost - but make sure each party knows exactly what they're committing to first before making any commitments!

Hold a Contest and Giveaway

Whether you choose to hold your own contest or give away a gift card, the results will be similar. You'll get more traffic to your website and social media pages, allowing potential clients to get to know you better. Plus, you can use the prize as an opportunity for cross-promotion by having it sponsored by another business in exchange for featuring them on your giveaway's promotion materials or in blog posts about the contest itself.

The point is that there are plenty of options when it comes to finding new clients as a wedding professional—you just have to put in some effort!

Cultivate Local Contacts

The most important contacts you can have as a wedding professional are your local vendors, venues, and suppliers. These people can be used to help you find new clients and get your name out there in the community.

Boost your Social Media Presence

When it comes to your social media presence, the most important thing is consistency. Posting the same content once a week is better than posting nothing at all. If you don’t have time to shoot new photos on a regular basis, post old ones that still reflect your brand or use stock images and filters to make them look more professional. You can also try posting photos of other people’s weddings (with permission of course), which will help you build your portfolio and potentially attract new clients in the process!

Another way to keep people interested in what you have going on is by using hashtags — but don't forget to put some thought into this part too! Using generic hashtags like #weddings or #photography might get your post seen by more people because there are so many others doing it too...but these tags are not specific enough for anyone looking for someone who does what you do specifically (i.e., wedding photography).

Write Articles, Blogs, and Newsletters

Writing articles, blogs, and newsletters is a great way to connect with people who are searching for your services. You can use your website or blog to promote your content. It’s important to write about topics that are relevant to your audience and choose a platform that is easy for people to share on social media. If you plan on building traffic from search engines, then focus on writing long-form content that provides value for readers.


  • Write an article.

  • Write a blog post.

  • Write a newsletter.

  • Write a book or series of books! A blog series is also great, especially if it helps the reader take action right away (like this one). You can even offer it as part of their course in exchange for email addresses so they can stay in touch with you and your work throughout the year or longer if needed. They’ll love you for it, I promise!

Hopefully, this list has given you some ideas about how to find new clients for your wedding business. As we’ve seen, there are many different ways to reach out and connect with potential customers. Don’t be afraid to try something new! If it works well for you, stick with it; if not, don’t worry—just keep trying until you find something that works perfectly.

At The Social Attendant, we love all things social media and helping wedding professionals take their businesses to the next level. Lori was a wedding planner for 17 years and has been helping wedding creatives like you since 2020 with their social media management, consulting/coaching, and virtual assistant tasks . Let’s chat about how we can help!


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