how to close out the 2022 wedding season as a wedding professional


The wedding season is winding down, and you're probably tired. But even though this last month has been a whirlwind of events, parties, and celebrations—and one that will no doubt leave you with some fantastic memories—it's only the beginning!

Set goals for the upcoming year

  • Set goals for the upcoming year.

  • Make a list of goals for the next year.

  • Set goals that are achievable, but challenging.

Consider your past year’s performance to help you set goals for the next year.

Use measurable goals (e.g., increase referrals by 5%), or if you prefer qualitative measures (e.g., improve communication with clients), make sure they are specific and time bound (e.g., within 3 months).

Make notes on what went well and what didn’t go well this season

  • Make notes on what went well this season.

  • List the bad things that happened this season, and how you will make sure they don’t happen again.

  • Make a list of things you want to do more of next season.

Finish out your campaigns

You are now almost finished with the 2022 wedding season. If you have been a part of it, then you should be proud of yourself! Now is the time to finish out your campaigns, send out any thank you notes, and reflect on what you learned as a professional this year.

One thing that I like to do at the end of each wedding season is make note of what went well and what can be improved for next time around. It's always good to get some feedback from people who aren't directly involved in your business so that they can give an objective opinion about how things went over time. For example: "I really liked how much attention was given to my guests and their needs." Or "It was nice not having any issues with vendors."

It's also important not just for your business but also for yourself as an individual because it helps keep us motivated throughout next year—so we don't get too comfortable with our current way of doing things!

Create a plan for downtime

As you near the end of your busy wedding season, it's time to get some downtime. You're going to need it! Take this time to relax, exercise, and do things that you enjoy. You can also use the downtime to spend with family and friends.

Use the off-season to network and grow your business

Now is the time to use the off-season to network and grow your business. Put on a conference, join an association, or attend networking events. Networking can lead to new clients and opportunities that could help you with your wedding photography business.

It's also important to take time off! Use this time to relax and enjoy life because when wedding season comes back around again, you'll be glad that you did!

Close out this wedding season by reflecting and planning for the next season.

You’ve just closed out your best wedding season ever, and now you’re ready for a break. You deserve it! But before you put on your sweatpants and turn on Netflix, take some time to reflect on what went well (and what didn't). This can help you set goals for the next year so that you can continue building upon this success.

You might have had an amazingly profitable year—or maybe not. Either way, it's important to look at both the positive and negative aspects of this past wedding season in order to learn how to improve your business moving forward. This reflection will also help keep your head clear of any stress that may be lingering from previous weddings or planning sessions; there's no reason to let those feelings get in the way of enjoying some well-deserved rest!

So if you haven’t started thinking about how to end the 2022 wedding season and plan for next year, now is the time. Remember that if you want to be successful in any business, it’s important to take care of yourself and your clients.


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